Key Warning Signs Your Hiring Process Needs RPO Support


Recruitment can feel like a never-ending challenge, especially as your company grows and the...

Recruitment can feel like a never-ending challenge, especially as your company grows and the competition for top talent heats up. If your hiring process is becoming a headache, it might be time to consider recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). This approach can streamline your efforts, saving you time, energy, and money. However, many companies may not immediately recognise when their internal recruitment processes are becoming inefficient. So, what are the warning signs? Let’s look at some key indicators suggesting why RPO might be your company's solution.

1. Your internal hiring team is overwhelmed by candidates

One of the most common signs that an organisation could benefit from RPO services is an overwhelmed internal recruitment team. If your internal team struggles to manage a flood of applications, that’s a major warning sign. When scaling up, it’s easy for your in-house team to become stretched too thin, often lacking the bandwidth to handle high volumes of applications, particularly if recruitment isn’t their primary function. Sudden application surges can overwhelm small, in-house recruiters, leading to longer time-to-fill rates and potentially missing out on talent.

Did you know that, on average, it takes 42 days to fill a position? If your team takes longer than that, it could impact your operations. RPO can provide the flexibility and scalability to manage large candidate pools efficiently. Outsourced recruitment specialists bring the expertise and resources required to handle sudden hiring surges without compromising quality or timelines.

2. Lack of resources in the recruitment team

Numerous organisations encounter resource limitations within their HR departments stemming from restricted budgets and an absence of access to essential tools such as advanced recruitment technologies and comprehensive candidate databases. These constraints can drastically affect the speed and accuracy of hiring efforts.

RPO providers often come equipped with modern recruitment technology and vast talent networks, ensuring your organisation has the resources to attract and engage top talent.

3. Unqualified candidates reaching the interview stage

This may come as no surprise, but finding qualified, experienced hires is one of the biggest challenges in talent acquisition, with 61% of companies stating this as a primary concern in a survey by Deloitte. If you have unqualified candidates repeatedly make it to the interview stage, this is another tell-tale sign that your hiring process needs improvement. This not only wastes valuable time for your hiring managers but also reflects poorly on your recruitment strategy. Poor screening methods can result in hires that do not meet the required standards, leading to costly turnover.

RPO partners implement rigorous screening processes and use automation tools to sift through candidates efficiently. This process guarantees that only individuals possessing the requisite skills and experience progress through the hiring stages, thereby saving valuable time for your team and enhancing the overall calibre of potential candidates.

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4. Candidates are dropping out of the interview process

Candidate drop-off represents a significant challenge that can lead to frustration within internal recruitment teams. When candidates prematurely discontinue the interview process, it may indicate underlying issues in the recruitment procedures. Prolonged waiting periods, convoluted processes, or inadequate communication can frustrate and disengage candidates.

Recent research shows that companies with long and complex hiring processes (more than four weeks) are likely to see several drop-offs throughout the candidate journey, with 25% dropping out at the interview stage.  An RPO provider can streamline your recruitment journey, making it more efficient and candidate-friendly. With strategies to improve communication and reduce bottlenecks, RPO ensures that candidates remain engaged from the initial interview to the offer stage.

5. Candidates are struggling to identify the employer brand

A strong employer brand is crucial to attracting talent in today's job market. However, if candidates are unsure about your organisation’s culture, value, or long-term vision, they are less likely to see your company as an attractive employer. A lack of clear branding can deter top talent and negatively impact candidate engagement.

LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends 2022 Report shows that highlighting your workplace culture and improving your employer branding can significantly impact hiring success, with a 67% engagement increase when companies mention culture. RPO providers work to refine and promote your employer brand, ensuring that it resonates with the right talent. By creating a cohesive brand narrative, RPO firms help candidates better understand your company’s values, fostering greater interest and alignment from the outset.

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6. Candidates are rejecting offers at the end

If candidates consistently reject your offers after going through the entire recruitment process, it’s a clear warning sign that something is amiss. Whether it’s because of salary expectations, misalignment with company culture, or a slow-moving offer stage, frequent offer rejections can lead to extended vacancies, lost talent, and a blow to your brand reputation.

According to research by SHL, nearly 42% of candidates turn down job offers due to a bad interview experience, with the number of negative hiring experiences reported doubling since 2020 across job platforms like LinkedIn and Glassdoor. An RPO partner brings market expertise and data-driven insights into salary benchmarks, industry trends, and candidate expectations. This enables them to create competitive offers that align with the candidates and the company’s needs. RPO teams ensure faster offer rollouts and maintain communication with candidates, reducing the risk of last-minute rejections.

7. Attrition is high, with incompatibilities missed during the interview process

Employee turnover can be a key sign that your organisation could greatly benefit from RPO support. When new hires leave within their first few months, it often shows a mismatch between what they expected and the reality of the role or company culture. During the hiring process, making sure that candidates are a good fit culturally and for the long term can help you avoid the significant costs of these early departures.

The Work Institute has estimated that the average cost incurred from an employee's departure can amount to approximately one-third of the employee’s annual earnings, encompassing both the loss of productivity and the expenses associated with their replacement. RPO providers employ more comprehensive assessment methods to ensure newly hired individuals possess the necessary technical qualifications and are well-suited to your company. This significantly reduces the likelihood of early attrition and improves long-term retention rates.

Is It Time to Consider RPO?

If any of the issues mentioned resonate with your organisation, it may be time to explore recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) as a strategic solution. RPO can offer the flexibility, expertise, and resources necessary to improve your hiring process, allowing you to focus on what you do best—running your business.

NES Advantage is committed to delivering customised RPO solutions tailored to align precisely with your business's specific requirements, irrespective of its scale. With our extensive global presence and profound understanding of the engineering industry, we’re dedicated to helping you overcome recruitment challenges and support your business's growth and success. For more detailed information on our RPO services and how they can benefit you, download our latest whitepaper where we cover everything from the different types of RPO models and their benefits to how to assess your recruitment challenges.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can optimise your hiring process.