Case Study

Outplacement Solutions


Our client needs agile and flexible support during times of crisis. In 2014, the global oil market crashed which put significant strain onto companies across the energy spectrum; many were forced to let volumes of staff go to stay in business. The fallout from this crash lasted for a further two years meaning our client had to remain agile and adapt to changing market conditions.


To support our client and their wider brand family, we delivered a new service named ‘Outplacement Solutions’ to help them navigate the turbulent peaks and troughs until the market could stabilise again.

Our Outplacement Solutions are designed to support professionals through the process of coming to terms with a difficult situation, and to take them through the key elements of becoming an active, successful jobseeker whilst developing their personal communication strategy.

We tailored our support for different companies within our client’s brand. Our Outplacement Support Programmes comprise:

Executive Services


Group Services


Individual Services


How did it work?

A typical outplacement programme has offered a blend of theory and practical work in group settings; we generally hosted two 3-hour long workshops during which we covered topics such as:

  • CV assessment 
  • Interview techniques
  • Writing a strong job application
  • Networking effectively
  • Maintaining professionalism on social media
  • Facilitating re-education (where feasible, such as looking at connections with universities etc.)

Each participant had at least 2 individual sessions. Initially, we gathered information regarding their personal background, including practical details such as CV assessment, and emotional details, where we assessed their state of mind and supported them to be optimistic about their career prospects

This deep insight enabled us to better-tailor the individual’s second session according to where they were up to in the job search process; we helped individuals prepare for specific job interviews and also revisited the CVs for personnel who had been unsuccessful for interview selection.


Our outplacement services delivered major client benefits: 

Demonstrable Corporate Social Responsibility

Our workshops are sincere and designed to be constructive and make a positive difference to the departing employees’ lives. 

Through undertaking our service the client truly showed empathy for the difficulties the employees faced, and went above and beyond to help them transition to their next role.

They Protected Their Brand

Our client has been able to re-hire individuals that they previously let go, due to maintaining a positive relationship through an extremely difficult time. Through using our services the client was able to convey a genuinely sensitive and responsible approach in supporting their workforce. Subsequently the departing employees remained brand ambassadors. 

They Had Legal Protection

Through our support, the client showed a sincerity and responsibility that was difficult for their departing employees to ignore. Utilising our outplacement services helped the client to keep their staff onside and reduce any unpleasantness during a highly emotional time

Key Statistics

Our outplacement programme has supported more than 4,000 participants to date; our experts have provided 8,000 one-to-one consultative conversations for our client’s employees.

  • Programmes have been highly flexible - consisting from just 1 individual, up to 500+ participants 
  • Average group size: 15-20 participants (250+ workshops of this size delivered)
  • 75% of the participants were offered a new job during or right after the programme
  • 100% of participants reported that the programme gave them new insights and skills
  • We have fast tracked the programme to run for 6 weeks (instead of 3 months) in many scenarios in order to get people into the mind-set of being an active job seeker as quickly as possible


Feedback from participants shows this programme is highly valuable and truly helps people to understand that their competence could be valuable for other employers, as well as enabling them to gain practical advice and emotional confidence:

"I received an offer for a position as resource planner - I’m so very happy and pleased. I made it!! Contract is signed and I look so much forward to it. I have been in another world,- lots of frustration, sadness and tears, anger, joy and not the least, hard work and a constant reminder not to lose faith. I have made use of good workshops with good advice and guiding. Help and cheering up from very good professionals – and I finished my employment with style. That gave me something to get up to in the morning – and get going. Thanks Advantage for your recruitment day and your help in my finding a new job."

"After a difficult pre-summer period, my August started with 5 opportunities within 2 weeks. Only one interview was the direct result of my application to an advertisement. All other invitations came in because of my LinkedIn profile or similar CV databases. The job I accepted in the end was initiated by me contacting a former colleague (via LinkedIn), his CEO took a look at my LinkedIn profile and decided to hire my immediately. It was basically my complete and thorough LinkedIn profile which gave me the job. Thank you guys in Advantage for all your support!"

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