Case Study

Marketing Services & Workforce Planning

Our service goes beyond traditional recruitment. Over the course of the last decade we have orchestrated multiple complex campaigns for our client to reinforce their employer brand and attract essential talent.

In each scenario, we develop a strategic campaign plan that ensures:

  • Alignment with strategic intent and main initiatives

This includes the enablement of wider corporate objectives; in this context we helped the client to raise their brand profile in the realms of renewable energy, low carbon, and digitalisation

  • Identifying topmost critical roles, skills and capabilities

This includes ascertaining the volume of personnel needed and identifying the contexts in which they will work, and planning for the development of the recruited workforce

  • Targeting an appropriate demographic

This includes improving diversity levels for personnel age, gender and nationality


Diversifying our client’s brand into a new energy market

The initial scope required: 

20 new members of personnel to be identified, specifically “changemakers” - people who would demonstrate a real commitment to a more sustainable future, with 5-10 years of experience A qualified pipeline of Renewable Energy workers, for future hiring needs.

The context was highly challenging and demanded excellent cooperation and communication between NES and the client team. Throughout the campaign duration we arranged short and efficient weekly meetings.

Based on our initial success, additional business segments and 20 extra job titles were added to the campaign.

Our multi-channel marketing efforts generated quality candidate traffic which converted into job applications

Our job advertisements were complemented by our Renewable Energy content - blogs, videos and podcasts - which we posted frequently on social media, allowing us to demonstrate thoughtleadership in the space and thereby instil a sense of confidence within candidates that their careers would be in good hands


NES ensured wide job board coverage through utilising LinkedIn Jobs and premium advertising in conjunction with popular local job board, Finn. We also scoured our existing candidate database to market the roles to appropriate candidates

We targeted professional associations for the Wind industry, including:


NES identified the hard to fill roles and leveraged our social media network which exceeds 850,000 followers, including utilising the LinkedIn Pipeline builder tool to engage a highly niche talent pipeline, supported by creative visuals.

Our efforts delivered a strong candidate pipeline and key hires

Candidates Processed
Shortlisted for Hiring Manager
Professionals hired

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