Case Study

Leveraging Chatbot Technology


For their more challenging campaigns, our client wanted a way to increase their engagement levels with their prospective candidate market.


We implemented chatbot technology that allows us to auto-screen and engage with candidates as soon as they apply for a role, ensuring that individuals receive immediate interaction with NES, thereby facilitating an immediate positive experience.

Our chatbot solution uses artificial intelligence to mimic conversation:

  • It allows candidates to contact NES and discuss roles 24/7, increasing their engagement levels through being available at a time suitable to each individual candidate
  • It streamlines the process for consultants by handling the basic initial administrational tasks associated with filling each role, for example, by screening unsuitable candidates out of the process

The technology is particularly useful when our client wins a major project and needs to increase their workforce swiftly. 

One one particular occasion we identified a group of potential candidates who had worked for the client in the past and were a comprehensive fit for the vacancies that were needed. Through the chatbot technology, we contacted this specific candidate talent pool via email and SMS (text) with a set of eight interactive questions. The questions ascertained crucial screening information such as the candidate’s skills, experience, salary requirements, availability, and location.


Chatbots deliver an average 20–25% response rate compared with just 4–6% via email-generated campaigns.

The campaign launched to 1,397 contacts with the following results:

  • 26% clicked through to the chatbot
  • 18% answered four or more questions
  • 17% responded within three hours of receiving the message

We achieved a significant pipeline of pre-qualified potential candidates for the client’s roles.

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